Cardiac Surgery Team at Makassed Hospital Successfully Performs a Qualitative Operation of the Aorta

  • The cardiac surgery team at Makassed Islamic Charitable Hospital, led by Dr. Tamah Al
    Safadi, chief of the Cardiac Surgery Division, succeeded in performing a qualitative and
    complex operation to save the life of a female patient from Gaza, in her seventies, suffering
    from an acute aortic dissection (tear in the aortic wall).
    Hajjah “A”, a 71-year-old Gazan lady, was sitting in the midst of her family when she began
    to feel severe chest and back pain, and paralysis of her lower limbs, according to her
    description. She was then transported to the hospital in Gaza to be diagnosed. Cardiology
    specialist Dr. Alaa Naeem, who examined the patient, reported that she had suffered from an
    acute rupture of the aorta as shown in the TV image of her chest.
    This is considered a rare case in need of high and advanced treatment abilities and capabilities
    and swift emergency surgical intervention, the death rate of which is 50 percent during the
    first day.
    There was no hesitation at all on the part of the cardiac surgical team at Makassed Hospital.
    The doctors expressed their full readiness to receive the case, and all the necessary
    preparations were undertaken before the arrival of the patient, who reached the Hospital in
    critical condition requiring immediate surgical intervention. After conducting all the tests and
    making all the necessary arrangements, the patient was taken into the operating room at
    midnight and her surgery lasted eight hours during which the affected part of the aorta was
    removed and replaced with an artificial artery.
    The surgery ended in resounding success, stemming from the high morale displayed by the
    patient and her family, and from the tenacious will of the treating medical team and its
    insistence on performing the operation to save the patient’s life, to the delight of her
    family, despite the high risk that this operation entailed. The patient is currently in good
    health, having regained movement of her lower limbs, and has made a full recovery.
    The surgical team consisted of Dr. Tamah Al Safadi (consultant and chief of the Cardiac
    Surgery Division) and cardiac surgery assistants Dr. Hasan Al Salman (general surgery
    specialist and cardiac surgery resident) and Dr. Omar Abu Zaydeh (general surgery resident).
    Dr. Safadi expressed his great pleasure at the success of the surgery and thanked the
    anesthesiology team headed by Dr. Adnan Farhood (chief of the Department of
    Anesthesiology), Dr. Khalil Abdel Dayem (cardiologist), the operating room nurses, the
    department of cardiac surgery, the cardiac intensive care unit, and the blood supply team for
    their efforts in completing the task at hand to the fullest.
    He stressed the high level of medical expertise enjoyed by Makassed Hospital, calling on all concerned parties to stand by its side IMG_6137and enhance its steadfastness in support of the services it renders to its citizens.

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